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12. 2. 2013
Rezignace svatého otce ( Papeže ) Benedigta XVI důvody známe jak přiznal už nemůže dál vykonávat svůj úřad z důvodu vysokého věku jeho důvody chápu udělal dobře než aby neplnil svoje závazky tak odešel a dal svůj post k dispozici . Tento krok je v hystorii nevýdaný , ale není jediný už se to jednou přihodilo . Přeji mu dál pevné zdraví a za nás křestany at mu pán Bůh požehná
English ** Resignation of the Holy Father (Pope) Benedigta XVI reasons known as admitted he could no longer perform his office due to old age I understand his reasons do well than to default on its obligations to retired and gave his post available. This step is hystorii issued but not only has it happened once. I wish him continued good health and for us Christians at the Lord God bless
Benedict will become the first pope to resign since Gregory XII in 1415. In that case, Gregory quit to end a civil war within the church in which more than one man claimed to be pope.
In this case, it wasn't external forces but the ravages of time that forced Benedict's hand. After months of consideration, he concluded he just wasn't up to the job anymore, Lombardi said.
"It's not a decision he has just improvised," Lombardi said. "It's a decision he has pondered over."